YMCA: outcome measurement
Because of our work, YMCAs have a common framework and system for measuring the impact of their programmes; enhancing their sustainability and viability.
YMCAs throughout the UK provide a rich variety of services for young people and particularly for those who face disadvantage. They offer varied support with employment, education, independent living, health and social skills. Although the value of this work is undisputed, it has not always been easy to show how different YMCAs perform or what services work best.
Stage one: developing an outcome focus. We worked initially with three YMCAs in London and then several others, to identify a common framework for understanding and demonstrating impact. We followed up an initial workshop with detailed consultation to develop a story of change with short, medium and long- term indicators for seven key transitions
Stage two: A toolkit for the future. We then developed, piloted and refined measurement tools for each of these transitions. Our toolkit supported a monitoring system and included resources to collect data and offered a cost-benefit analysis of soft and hard outcomes. It helped gather robust data about the changes young people experienced as a result of YMCA inputs.