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West Dunbartonshire Council - Dalmuir Park evaluation

Because of our work, the Dalmuir Park team developed an understanding of - and skills in -monitoring and evaluation.  The data we collected was unprecedented in the parks sector and, because it proved the project’s impact, it enabled the team to argue for further funding. Our larger contract for Parks for People has been extended three times by Heritage Lottery Fund.

Parks for People is a Heritage and Big Lottery funded programme that aims to regenerate of public parks with local, regional or national heritage value so that local people can enjoy and use them. We were asked to support to Dalmuir Park’s team in fulfilling the programme’s monitoring and evaluation requirements.

Stage one: staff engage in self-evaluation. We ran workshops and clinic sessions so that staff could develop expertise in evaluation and we could develop a bespoke framework.

Stage two: developing methods and data. We built a customised web-based tool and trained staff in its use. We also coordinated the collection of quantitative and qualitative data whose results we compared with the programme’s desired outcomes.

Stage three: reporting. We produced an annual report that assessed how well the Dalmuit Park Project met its funders’ goal and highlighted the need for comprehensive monitoring and evaluation data.



“I think this report is brilliantly written – it’s all very clear. You've already made some interesting and very useful findings about where most support/ advice will be needed.”

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