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UK Government Community Renewal Fund

Because of our work: North Ayrshire met the deadline for communicating the funding opportunities presented to private sector, voluntary sector and public bodies. Organisations were given advice and support, applications were assessed and a final bid submission was provided to allow the council to seek up to £3m investment from the UK Government.

The UK Government identified 100 priority places across the UK that could receive capacity funding to help with bid co-ordination and appraisal.  Applicants were encouraged to apply for funding of around £500,000 per project to support:

  • Investment in skills
  • Investment in local business
  • Investment in communities and place, and
  • Supporting people into employment.

Stage 1

In consultation with the council we identified potential applicants.  We drew up selection criteria and produced guidance that was posted to a page on the council’s website and circulated to potential applicants. Applicants were encouraged to submit Expressions of Interest.  Online workshops and individual consultations were then offered and delivered to help applicants shape their bids.

Stage 2

Applicants then submitted a full application and these were assessed and scored against selection criteria that we developed and refined.  This was used to score projects against national and importantly local priorities within the Community Wealth Building strategy.  The council then prioritised the applications.

Stage 3

Selected applicants were asked to amend applications (budget, core costs and outputs) to meet the financial limit set by the UK Government.  These revised and final applications were then aligned with the Bid Submission document that will go forward to the UK Government after approval by the full council.


The council met their obligations to give organisations an opportunity to apply for funding to meet their priorities.  They have more understanding of the programme management and monitoring requirements for CRF and other UK Shared Prosperity Funds that may be distributed to the council.

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