Scottish Government: Ex-ante evaluation of ESF and ERDF Scotland Programmes
The European Commission asks all structural funds programmes to conduct an evaluation to ensure that the operational programmes clearly articulate their intervention logic and can demonstrate their contribution to the Europe 2020 strategy.
The ex-ante process aims to improve the quality of the programmes as they are developed. It involves iteratively reviewing progress on developing operational programmes and providing constructive feedback. This also involves developing guidance, informal discussions, workshops and structured consultation with stakeholders and beneficiary representatives.
Specialised reports and guidance. Hall Aitken delivered a range of interim and topic reports for the Scottish Government. These ranged from the development process, through initial logic models, and on to assessments of financial instruments and equality impacts. We also carried out a full strategic environmental assessment (SEA). Many of these reports were geared to key stages in European Community’s submission timetable.
Funding secured for sustainable progress. The Scottish Government was able successfully to submit its completed chapter of the UK Partnership agreement and, taking our recommendations into account, to complete the development of the two Operational Programmes and secure structural funds of 1 billion Euros for Scotland