Outer Hebrides LEADER
Because of our work: The LAG submitted a considered draft Local Development Strategy on time.
The Outer Hebrides Local Action Group had been successfully delivering LEADER for many years. LEADER is a European-funded rural development scheme whose support is primarily aimed at small-scale, community-driven projects that are innovative in nature.
The LAG staff and their host organisation Comhairle nan Eilean Siar had a breadth of experience in social and economic development. However, they needed an independent organisation to carry out a series of intensive consultations a draft Local Development Strategy before the Scottish Government’s 31 March 2014 deadline.
Stage one: identifying ideal outcomes. Our first action was to run a workshop that helped the LAG to focus on its priorities.
We guided the LAG towards a ruthless prioritisation of outcomes to ensure that its future interventions would make a significant difference. We also showed the group how to align its plans with further available funding and strategic objectives.
Stage two: community consultation. We carried out a thorough community consultation to inform and support the new Local Development Strategy. This included:
- a public e-survey
- Workshops and interviews to gather the views of organisations and individual residents in Lewis, Benbecula, Uist and Barra, about their priorities and potential interventions.
- Further telephone interviews.
Stage three: a focused Strategic Plan. We met the deadline with a focused draft strategic plan that satisfied the LAG’s needs and was submitted on time to the Scottish Government.
".... we are happy with the draft LDS to be submitted in its current format."