Multi-annual support for positive ageing programme
Ageing Better programme support, Big Lottery Fund, £0.75m million per annum, 2015-2021
Most useful support has been mentoring provided by [Hall Aitken] and without it our project plan would not have been completed. She (lead adviser) understood our frustrations and was very approachable. Ageing Better, Cheshire Reducing isolation
Ageing Better aims to reduce social isolation and improve the quality of life of older people across England. It provides £80 million of support to 14 partnerships to support quality of life in older age.
Supporting test and learn
We are supporting and developing the 14 partnerships to deliver their ambitions, foster a test and learn culture and build a learning network that establishes an evidence base. Close cooperation with the Centre for Ageing Better will provide a platform for influencing future policy.
Tailored local support & national events
We provide tailored support to each partnership to support governance, management, delivery and evaluation, from developing a vision to working with beneficiaries. At a national level we codesign events with areas as the core of a learning network - supported by an expert panel and a team of advisers.
Building the evidence base
In the longer term we aim to ensure each area achieves its outcomes and has contributed to the local and national evidence base. In the shorter-term we have built capacity and helped embed system change in each area.