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Livity; somewhereto_ evaluation 2016

Because of our work, Somewhereto_ could prove the impact it had on young people’s lives and futures.


Somewhereto_ started as an initiative led by Livity, in partnership with Channel 4, and funded by the 2012 Olympics Legacy Trust.  The programme aimed to connect young people with under-utilised facilities where they could test enterprising ideas or to showcase their work.

Strengthened by Livity’s marketing expertise and track record in engaging with young people, Somewhereto_rolled out across the UK using a web-based platform to support the work of regional coordinators who built up person-to-person networks. 

We were asked to evaluate the project and support its further self- evaluation.


Stage one: establishing a Theory of Change. We delivered a practical workshop that enabled Livity to understand self-evaluation and how to demonstrate the impact they deliver.

Stage two: the evaluation. To identify and measure the positive changes that Somewhereto_ made and understand what would have happened had the programme not existed, we used several evaluation techniques. We surveyed young people, and space providers; interviewed stakeholders and regional coordinators; developed 6 case studies and; facilitated six focus groups with young users.

Stage three: the report. We found that the programme: engaged with 288,212 young people; supported over 4000 enterprises; leveraged over £6m in space value; had a return of 3:1 and; made a significant difference to Young Peoples’ lives by improving their skills and preventing their lapsing into NEET status.

“A small space can be the difference between someone giving up or continuing to strive to do what they love, which is an amazing thing to witness and be able to support.”

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