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We provided capacity building support to the project team, partners and local organisations as part of the co-design process

King’s Park is a diverse community bounded by Hackney Marshes with low levels of physical activity and high levels of deprivation. It was selected as a Sport England Local Delivery Pilot and Hall Aitken delivered community insight through consultation and an embedded team of community researchers.

Through 2019-20, we supported the KPMT programme with community insight, co-design and capacity building support. The innovative project model is built around a community-driven approach to improving community health. We provided insight and information through community engagement and research. This film of our community researchers is one of the outputs of the Hackney project.

Insight-based community action

Our team, including local community researchers, collected community insight to inform the emerging plan of action. We provided capacity building support to the project team, partners and local organisations as part of the co-design process.

Hall Aitken recruited, trained and developed three local people as a team of researchers to Provide community insight for Kings Park Moving Together. These are their own words which reflect exactly what we set out to do including build capacity for the community to participate in the project. On 1st May 2020 we handed over the team to a local partnership to carry on their work.

We delivered a series of engagement events and ‘pop-ups’ resulting in short informative reports and presentations to stakeholders and community organisations. As the community researchers gained confidence, they attended meetings to present their insights and represent the community perspective in decision-making situations. The first year’s insights were the basis of a successful first round of Sport England investment.

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